Tag Archive | soccer mom


Thank god for good friends. If it wasn’t for my good friend I wouldn’t have a part-time job. Well, I am sure I could go out and look for a job, something that works into my schedule, but it is so much easier when it is just dropped in your lap.

My friend bought a funky Ice Cream/Treat store last year and recognized that her dear friend was going a bit looney at home. I am a people person and I need people. Lots and lots of people. If I could have people at my house everyday…..I would.

So due to shitty weather business is rather slow, we just opened up this week. Spring and Summer will be a hectic mess, no worries that we will not remain busy through out the warm months.

So I am sitting here in this little shop with nothing to do but think. And the good lord and my friends know that I can over think anything. I am very good at it. That should be my job. I would be a wealthy lady. Sadly, worrying and thinking does not bring in an income, and all it does is give me back pain and headaches, but it is what I do. It is who I am.

I have always wondered am I the way I am because I am a Gemini, because I am bi-polar (undiagnosed), have ADD, just don’t give a rats ass, or I am just fucking crazy! I would actually go with all of the above.

1638_421240357964014_584994072_nI can over analyze and over think anything, my marriage, my life, my choices, my sexuality, my laundry, my past decisions, shall I continue? I could over analyze a rock if you give me enough time. Hence, why I don’t sleep much. But today I am blaming all my habits, good or bad on my birthday. 🙂

I gotz nuttin

I have been so busy with “life” that I have not had anytime to write or think or be the slightest creative.

All I seem to do is sit in my mini-van and drive children from one destination to the other. I don’t even have time to listen to one song on the radio because our town is that small, but 16 times in a mini-van in one day tends to drive you (no pun intended) a bit mad.

I am trying to get in my computer hours which are required for my temp job. I will be starting a permanent part-time job. My children are busy with sports and I am apparently to busy to worry or stress!!

The kids just asked me what was for dinner. Shit, I don’t know. Guess I better get on it. I do know this.

The husband is gone for 6 days…holla! So tonight I plan to sit on my porch swing and enjoy the hot summer air.

Maybe I will come up with something to say!
